The tiniest of details...
A cosmic ray strikes Abby's brain
as she sleeps beneath her winter-cold duvet
and when she awakes, a tiny message
blinks before/behind her eyes:
"safety protocol disengaged"
but she takes no notice,
blinks it away before she wakes,
makes coffee; double strength
and with triple sugar without a thought. No it's
Kevin first notices the change
when she jumps him by the coffee machine,
drags him into the copy room
and has her way, which is wickeder
that Kevin ever dreamed: underwear flying,
until Ed spots the pair, somewhat dazed
still lying, and Abby seduces him as well. And then
to the Professional Development Committee
where Watkins is the same hide bound reactionary
as always, but it turns out that you can beat
any weaselly argument if you beat
the arguer unconscious with a swivel chair.
NaPoWriMo - 2018 - Day eight - Can you give us examples?
Can you give us examples?
The barely mentioned character in somebody else's biography
The door that isn't opened, even once, during an entire film
The small coin only seen for a moment as it bounces down a grating
The biro you pick up, scrub on the paper, then drop back into the drawer
That person you really liked, but never managed to get on with
That day you had the detailed todo list, and didn't do any of it
That piece of clothing you bought in an fit of individualism and never wore
That tool which is perfect for the job, which you only bang clumsily against things
This sharp corner on this table here
This inexplicable small tax deduction
This queue, longer than you've even seen here before
This slight tear in your favourite jacket
Those steps up the hillside which fail to have an end
Those people employed to stop you having what you want
Those rules, the ones you were not told about
Those reasons to keep living, the ones you cannot quite recall
NaPoWriMo - 2018 - Day seven - Earth-like planets
Earth-like planets...
...where the hanging moment of morning
finds cloud unbound and the song moves on.
Where she sang that song, the one that rhymes
"heart" with "card" and where...
Here's another one! Jake looks up from the machine.
it's like the universe is stuffed with the damn things--
and another, this one's pinkish... which means
if the Universe is filled with places of this sort,
then life cannot be killed... will always have
another place to go. He looks around. She's gone again.
He feels he is in love, but that it will not work.
He'd like to buy her a drink after work
except she never is about. Never mind,
he calls, in case she is around. Meanwhile,
at the other end of the telescope, she spreads
her blanket on the ground, just beyond the pale
pink shadow of the untrees, opens the picnic basket
and sits down...
...where the hanging moment of morning
finds cloud unbound and the song moves on.
Where she sang that song, the one that rhymes
"heart" with "card" and where...
Here's another one! Jake looks up from the machine.
it's like the universe is stuffed with the damn things--
and another, this one's pinkish... which means
if the Universe is filled with places of this sort,
then life cannot be killed... will always have
another place to go. He looks around. She's gone again.
He feels he is in love, but that it will not work.
He'd like to buy her a drink after work
except she never is about. Never mind,
he calls, in case she is around. Meanwhile,
at the other end of the telescope, she spreads
her blanket on the ground, just beyond the pale
pink shadow of the untrees, opens the picnic basket
and sits down...
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